1. 環保處理高溫蝶閥品名、型號規格、數量、價格.
序號 | 品 名 | 型 號 及 規 格 | 單位 | 數量 | 單 價 (元) | 金 額 (元) | 閥體材質及其它 |
1 | 蝶閥 | 電動高溫蝶閥 0.6MPA 電裝帶反饋信號 內徑300MM外徑600MM 耐火泥單邊150MM 耐溫1300度 | 臺 | 10 | 閥板,閥桿2520 閥體襯耐火泥 |
The valve is widely used in building material, mining, power, glass, light industries etc. It is applied in hot windpipe system of smoke, waste gas management and in boiler, stove, and blast furnace of recycles heat. It is the ideal equipment to save energy and switch high temperature gas.
Structure characteristic:
(1) 高溫滅菌,無煙無臭,無二次公害;
(2) 兩段式高溫焚燒,溫度可達850℃~1100℃,滯留時間達2秒以上;
(3) 煙氣經旋風除塵器去除煙氣中的顆粒粉塵;
(4) 除塵器出來的煙氣經急冷裝置降溫至200℃以下;
(5) 再經干式吸收裝置去除煙氣中的酸性氣體和二噁英成分;
(6) 后經布袋除塵器去除煙氣中細微粉塵,無害的煙氣經引風機引至大氣中。
(7) 同時采用新技術,克服了傳統固定爐內溫度分布不均,廢料表面易結炭,燃燒不*,能耗高的缺點;
(8) 結合物料的物理性質、化學性質特點設計不同的爐型,采用不同的內襯材料,確保物料在爐內燃燒速度快,保證物料不對爐子內襯產生腐蝕,延長了設備的使用壽命;
(9) 良好的噴風導氣系統,確保用較低的空氣過剩系數達到的焚燒效果,降低了爐內的熱損,節約了能量;
(10) 爐內利用高壓風實現沸騰燃燒,利用雙層爐排實現懸浮燃燒,超前的設計用可靠的制造品質來保證;
(11) 設置廢液、廢氣噴嘴,在焚燒固體廢物的同時兼燒廢液和廢氣,真正實現多功能焚燒的目的;
(12) 完善的尾氣處理系統,確保系統無二次污染的產生;
(13) 可根據用戶需要選配廢物自動投入與灰渣自動排出。
(6)回轉窯內長達1小時多的停留時間和850℃以上的高溫,使危險廢物基本燃燼;二燃室強烈的氣體混合使得煙氣中未*燃燒物*燃燒達到有害成分分解所需的高溫 (1100℃),高溫區煙氣停留時間大于2秒;不但使廢渣焚燼燒透,還從源頭避開或減低了產生二惡英的工況區;
The valve is welded in high strength heat-resistant steel, stainless steel and fine carbon steel. The structure is dual-layer。There is circulating cooling water of 0.35 MPa pressure in the interlayer, which can lower the surface temperature of valve body and strengthen the rigidity. Circulating water can be used in other place after it gets hot, which saves the energy. It has the features of endurance of high temperature, effective saving energy, impact and scientific structure, good seal and handy operation etc.
The driving device is not controlled and can be installed according to the demand of user. Driving types are windlass elevating (open and close signal) and electric actuator elevating (4~20mA current signal).
Performance parameter:
工作壓力 Working pressure | 適用溫度 Suitable temperature | 適用介質 Suitable medium |
0.1MPa | ≤900℃ | 煙氣、空氣、粉塵氣體等高溫氣體 Smoke, air, gas with powder, etc high temperature gas |
Actuator parameter:
執行機構 Actuator | 500~700 | 800~1000 | 1100~1300 | 1400~1600 | 1700~1800 |
卷揚機 Windlass | 1T | 1.5T | 2T | 2.5T | 3T |
電動執行器 Electric actuator | HQ1000-0.5 | HQ1500-0.5 | HQ2000-0.5 | HQ2500-0.5 | HQ3000-0.5 |
Model explanation:
SLGZ---900 /
我公司基本型 客戶選用傳動裝置代號
Standard basic model of our company Transmission device code selected by user
l 客戶選用傳動裝置說明:
l Transmission device selected by user explanation:
JY means integer type of windlass elevating.
DX means integer type of electric actuator.
Main appearance joint dimension:
DN | D0 | D | D1 | B | b | n-d | d1 | d2 | d3 | d4 | H | H1 | H2 | H3 |
500 | 420 | 1220 | 1140 | 550 | 40 | 30-Φ33 | R2 | R1? | Rc2 | 48 | 2720 | 1960 | 680 | 680 |
700 | 620 | 1420 | 1340 | 550 | 50 | 36-Φ33 | R2 | R1? | Rc2 | 48 | 3044 | 2164 | 790 | 790 |
900 | 800 | 1700 | 1620 | 600 | 50 | 40-Φ33 | R2 | R1? | Rc2? | 50 | 4400 | 2650 | 1000 | 1000 |
1250 | 1100 | 2500 | 2400 | 650 | 60 | 40-Φ42 | Φ80 | Φ40 | Φ57 | 50 | 4780 | 3150 | 1450 | 1310 |
1300 | 1160 | 2196 | 2090 | 700 | 60 | 52-Φ48 | R2? | R2 | Rc2? | 60 | 5350 | 3500 | 2450 | 1365 |
1700 | 1500 | 2740 | 2640 | 700 | 70 | 56-Φ48 | R2 | R2 | Rc2 | 80 | 5590 | 4050 | 2475 | 1450 |
1800 | 1600 | 2960 | 2850 | 700 | 70 | 60-Φ58 | Φ70 | Φ50 | Φ80 | 80 |